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  • Aiden Snelling

Assassins Creed Valhalla - 8.5/10

Stats -

Time Played - 104 Hours

Story Progress - 100%

Assassinations - 541

Story - 7.5/10

The story of Valhalla is a funny one to review, because whilst it has many twists and turns and is jam packed with content... it does drag at times, and to me, at points really loses its way. I love the mythological ark, exploring Asgard and Jutenheim will never cease to amaze me, however, the main 'Real world' story just falls a bit short, and after working at it for hours and hours it doesn't have an ending worthy of the time invested. That being said, if this is a game you're willing to space out, and leave and come back to in order to not cause a burnout then the story will work for you, and without a doubt you will definitely get your money's worth.

Environment 9/10

I can't compare this to the classic assassins creed games, that would see Ezio Auditore jumping from one building to the next in a vast city full of areas perfect for Parkour, simply because that isn't what Assassins Creed is anymore, the latest (Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla) are all RPG open worlds with ginormous maps that offer gorgeous views. Valhalla is based primarily in Norway or England, I wouldn't say England is the most beautiful country to set a game world in, but what Valhalla does is truly magical, and frequently captures the natural beauty that is often missed. When it comes to Norway, I think it's fair to say that it captures the essence of what Norway is perfectly, a country filled with intimidating mountains and harsh weather that is hidden behind a calm and peaceful blanket of snow.

Combat 8/10

Stealth was always what I associated with Assassins Creed games, but when it comes to Vikings that doesn't really work. Yes, there is a lot of stealth options, hiding in grass, behind objects etc. but the quickest option most of the time is to run in all guns (axes) blazing. Once you get so far in to the game it's almost like Eivor is some kind of war god, with most attacks barely affecting the health bar and you swinging an axe around finishing off many of the enemies in only a few hits. The mythological creatures you face make it a little more interesting by actually putting up a fight, but still overall it's just a little too easy.

To buy or to leave?

Well, if I'd have posted this when it first came out I'd have likely said wait till it drops a little in price! However, now you can pick it up for £25 it's really a no brainer, you should definitely buy it.


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